Shannah Varón
Executive Director, Boston Collegiate Charter School
Shannah Varón is the Executive Director of Boston Collegiate Charter School, a fifth through twelfth grade college preparatory public school in Dorchester with the mission of preparing each student for college.
Prior to joining Boston Collegiate Charter School in July 2011, Shannah was a principal with the Parthenon Group, a Boston-based strategy consulting firm, where she focused in the firm’s Education Center for Excellence. Shannah previously worked in New York City for Teach For America, where she managed the team responsible for the support of corps members citywide. She was a Rio Grande Valley corps member in 2001, teaching bilingual special education in Mercedes, Texas.
Shannah’s board service includes chairing the board of Transforming Education, co-chairing the Boston Charter Alliance and the Boston Compact, and serving on the boards of the Massachusetts Charter Public School Association and Teach For America Massachusetts. In 2014-2015, Shannah served on Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker’s Transition Committee on Education.
Shannah holds a Bachelor's of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She lives in West Roxbury with her husband and two sons.