Huntington Theatre Company - Singer

Barr Grantees Setting Tables for Robust Civic Engagement

Boston's mayoral race has ignited a vigorous debate about the city and its future.

Many of Barr’s grantees have been active participants, including by hosting public forums, where candidates and residents have had opportunities to engage with the issues. Here are some examples…

Barr grantees EdVestors, TeachPlus, and MassINC were among the co-hosts of this June forum on Education:

Among the most lively and well-attended forums was this one on Arts, Culture, and Creativity:

28 groups, including Transportation for Massachusetts hosted this forum last week, focused on transportation:

Boston Mayoral Candidate Forum on Transportation and Livable Communities

In June, the Environmental League of Massachusetts worked with a coalition of business leaders, environmental advocates, and clean energy innovators to sponsor a forum focused on community development, jobs, sustainability, and livability:

Mayoral Forum

These are only a few of the examples and there are more to come. We are pleased to see so many of our grantees helping ensure there is robust civic engagement during this important moment in Boston’s history.

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