Technical Development Corporation
To design and implement a learning agenda for the Barr-Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $645,500
- Term: 24 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
The Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth, Inc.
To advance transit-oriented development in Gateway Cities.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $1,200,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Climate
The Northampton Academy of Music, Inc.
To support participation in the Barr Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $75,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
The Record Company, Inc.
To support participation in the Barr Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $75,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
To support Woodrow Wilson AcademyÛªs final planning and launch of a new approach to teacher preparation.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $500,000
- Term: 24 months
- Program: Education
University of Massachusetts Foundation, Inc.
To support the Greater Boston Research Advisory Group to produce up-to-date climate projections.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $550,000
- Term: 39 months
- Program: Climate
Worcester Art Museum
To support participation in the Barr Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $300,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
Worcester Public Schools
To deepen understanding of high school studentsÛª experiences in order to develop strategic plans that address student needs and promote postsecondary success.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $150,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Education
Zeiterion Theatre, Inc.
To support participation in the Barr Klarman Massachusetts Arts Initiative.
- Award Date: 9/19/2018
- Amount: $225,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
Associated Grant Makers, Inc.
To support the Massachusetts Arts Funders Learning Group.
- Award Date: 8/28/2018
- Amount: $50,000
- Term: 24 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity