Maine Department of Education
To support essential COVID-19 student and school health and safety efforts in Maine public schools.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $50,000
- Term: 5 months
- Program: Education
Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health, Inc.
To support racial equity training for staff and board.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $20,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Climate
Massachusetts Nonprofit Network, Inc.
To support Barr Foundation's 2020 Membership Dues.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $2,500
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Memberships & Sponsorships
Massachusetts Voter Education Network, Inc.
To provide continued support for MassVOTE's nonpartisan voter engagement project in collaboration with Massachusetts Voter Table, MIRA Coalition, and Chinese Progressive Association.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $100,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Sector Effectiveness
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
To provide supplemental grant funding to support MAPC's climate resilience mini-grant.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $170,000
- Term: 24 months
- Program: Climate
Mystic River Watershed Association, Inc.
To support exploratory design and planning work for the Little Mystic Annex Parcel Harborwalk as well as capital improvements to the Charlestown Sprouts Community Garden and public boat launch.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $250,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Special Initiatives
Mystic River Watershed Association, Inc.
To support racial equity training for staff and board and integration of racial equity into strategic plan.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $25,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Climate
New England Blacks in Philanthropy, Inc.
to support 2020 Barr Foundation Membership Dues.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $1,500
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Memberships & Sponsorships
Peabody Essex Museum, Inc.
To provide ArtsAmplified Supplemental Funding general operating support.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $150,000
- Term: 12 months
- Program: Arts & Creativity
Philanthropy Massachusetts, Inc.
To provide general operating support.
- Award Date: 11/30/2020
- Amount: $100,000
- Term: 36 months
- Program: Sector Effectiveness