Mary Skelton Roberts is a co-director Climate, focusing on transportation and land use—two critical levers for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Her portfolio aims to modernize our transit systems and to help communities transform themselves into more walkable, connected places where all residents have attractive alternatives to driving and spend far less time and money traveling by car.
Riding the Bus Is About to Get Better for 30,000 Commuters
Arlington, Everett, and Cambridge in partnership with Watertown, receive $100,000 grants to demonstrate BRT’s potential.
Unlikely Meetings. Uncommon Solutions for the Future of Mobility.
Sharing the big ideas and ongoing conversations from the Meeting of the Minds Boston Mobility Summit.
Area Leaders Join Effort to Link Boston Neighborhoods and Job Centers with Bus Rapid Transit
Barr Climate Program Co-Director Mary Skelton Roberts interviews State Representative Russell Holmes and A Better City CEO Rick Dimino, members of a newly-formed advisory committee for BostonBRT.
We’re Calling on Cities to Lead the Way to Better Transit
Mary Skelton Roberts shares an opportunity for communities to pilot elements of Gold Standard Bus Rapid Transit.
Buses Are What’s Next in Transportation
This article was originally published in the Opinion section of Commonwealth Magazine on January 23, 2017.
An Exit Interview with a Transportation Champion
Reflections, lessons learned, and advice from Kristina Egan at the close of her five-year tenure as Transportation for Massachusetts executive director.
Smarter Travel. Smarter Places.
Barr’s newly-named Mobility portfolio aims to spur transformation in how people move around and how we build our communities.
Embracing Opportunities for Smarter Travel, Smarter Places
In this contribution to our series on strategic planning, Mary Skelton Roberts discusses key trends giving shape to Barr’s strategy to reduce transportation emissions.
Dear 2015 Boston — A Dispatch From Your Future
I’ve been given the unique opportunity to write you a letter from your future city—Boston in the year 2050, to be exact.
Bus Rapid Transit May Put “Transit Excellence” in Reach
With our quality of life, economy, and climate all on the line, BRT deserves a closer look.