Mary Skelton Roberts is a co-director Climate, focusing on transportation and land use—two critical levers for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Her portfolio aims to modernize our transit systems and to help communities transform themselves into more walkable, connected places where all residents have attractive alternatives to driving and spend far less time and money traveling by car.
Adapting to a Pandemic: Barr’s Climate Program
An update on actions, learnings, and priorities from Barr’s Climate team amid the pandemic.
Massachusetts Wants Climate Action and Leadership
New poll shows majorities across demographic groups now see climate change as a serious problem if left unaddressed.
Diverse Group of Leaders Advance United Vision to Transform Massachusetts’ Transportation System
At a moment of crisis, business, municipal, and nonprofit leaders find common ground in call for bold action to address urgent challenges.
Six Mobility Lessons from Europe’s Most Sustainable City
From Boston to Oslo and back—here are transportation solutions we want to see implemented at home.
It's Time to Transform Transportation in Massachusetts
At the end of 2018, Massachusetts released a bold vision for the future of transportation in the Commonwealth. To make that vision a reality, it’s our move.
A Message to Mayors: To Lead on Climate, Focus on Transportation
As mayors gather in Boston for an international summit on climate, Barr’s Mary Skelton Roberts makes the case for keeping mobility high on the agenda.
The Transportation Dividend
New study quantifies the significant economic and quality-of-life benefits Greater Boston and Massachusetts enjoy thanks to investments in transportation.
Luck is Not a Strategy for Climate Change
Last month's Nor'easter was an urgent reminder of the work still left to be done to prepare Boston for climate change.
Barr’s New Climate Resilience Strategies
Climate Program Co-Directors Mariella Puerto and Mary Skelton Roberts outline the rationale, priorities, and early steps of the Foundation’s newly-expanded focus on resilience.
Time for Aspiration for Mobility in Massachusetts
Reflections on the urgency, and possibility of dramatic change in Massachusetts’ transportation system in 2018 and beyond.