Posts by Mariella Puerto

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto is a co-director for Climate, managing Barr’s grantmaking and other initiatives that catalyze the transition to a clean-energy economy. This includes promoting policies and practices that accelerate the adoption of energy efficiency and renewable power sources in the New England region and connecting to similar efforts nationally.

Adapting to a Pandemic: Barr’s Climate Program

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

An update on actions, learnings, and priorities from Barr’s Climate team amid the pandemic.

July 29, 2020 | Category: COVID-19

Massachusetts Wants Climate Action and Leadership

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

New poll shows majorities across demographic groups now see climate change as a serious problem if left unaddressed.

February 13, 2020 | Category: Climate

Expanding Access to a Winning Climate Strategy

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

New report features myriad ways states and cities are putting equity in the center of their climate and energy policies.

September 11, 2019 | Category: Climate

No Time for Complacency

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

New scorecard celebrates U.S. cities leading on clean energy. Yet, even leaders must do more to access the full economic opportunities and to address our climate emergency.

August 08, 2019 | Category: Climate

Northeast Carbon Market Keeps Delivering Major Benefits to All

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

New report details sustained economic and environmental gains enjoyed by states participating in regional carbon cap-and-trade market.

May 09, 2018 | Category: Climate

Luck is Not a Strategy for Climate Change

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

Last month's Nor'easter was an urgent reminder of the work still left to be done to prepare Boston for climate change.

February 08, 2018 | Category: Climate

In a Funding Portfolio, Diversity Drives Impact

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Five lessons from a partnership between the Barr Foundation and Community Labor United.

January 18, 2018 | Category: Climate

Barr’s New Climate Resilience Strategies

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

Climate Program Co-Directors Mariella Puerto and Mary Skelton Roberts outline the rationale, priorities, and early steps of the Foundation’s newly-expanded focus on resilience.

January 05, 2018 | Category: Climate

Northeast States Extend Leadership on Clean Energy

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Ambitious new goals set for next phase of highly successful, market-based effort to reduce emissions and spur clean energy.

September 18, 2017 | Category: Climate

The Future of Electricity in the Northeast

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

New report and video explore rapidly evolving clean energy opportunities and challenges facing the region.

November 03, 2016 | Category: Climate