Mariella Puerto is a co-director for Climate, managing Barr’s grantmaking and other initiatives that catalyze the transition to a clean-energy economy. This includes promoting policies and practices that accelerate the adoption of energy efficiency and renewable power sources in the New England region and connecting to similar efforts nationally.
Boston Preparing for the Storms Ahead
More than sixty inches of snow falling in fewer than three weeks has most Bostonians saying uncle. However, these superstorms—or "snowmaggedons"—are not expected to let up any time soon.
Boston Hospitals Achieve Healthy Reductions in Energy Consumption
New data shows Boston hospitals have cut their energy use by six percent over the last three years, despite continued facility growth. These reductions have not only saved the hospitals $12 million—they have helped put Boston on track to achieving its ambition climate goals.
Districts—An Ambitious, but Achievable Scale for Energy Transformation
What will it take to catalyze and accelerate the kind of energy transformation required to increase reliability, enhance resilience, meet ambitious climate goals, and create economic development opportunities? And what role can foundations play? Key takeaways from a recent gathering of funders interested in urban sustainability sponsored by the Funders' Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities.
Little Cities that Could (and Did) Show Leadership on Climate
Learn about a Barr grantee that has been creating its own climate playbook.
Helping the Green Economy Work for All
If we care about equity, we ignore climate change at our peril. Climate change is an inequity expander and accelerator. But it doesn't have to be. The Green Justice Coalition, a Barr grantee, has been showing the way to meet both climate and equity goals.
New Study Finds Massachusetts Climate Policy Yields Economic Gains for State
A new report released this week by the Boston-based Analysis Group summarizes the significant benefits to Massachusetts of its signature climate and energy policy – the Green Communities Act of 2008.
A Route to Climb Everest
A new report from Environment Northeast suggests a pathway to reach the daunting, but necessary goal of reducing carbon emissions by 80% by 2050.
Boston Businesses Show Art of Possible on Climate Action
At a kickoff for a new cohort of Boston-area businesses embracing the "Challenge for Sustainability," I had the chance to talk about the part they play in creating a more sustainable (and hopeful) world.
New Report Shows Declining Emissions Amidst Growing Economy
What happens when a state gets serious about climate change? A new report says the answer, at least in Massachusetts, is a shrinking carbon footprint and a growing economy.
The Biggest Team Effort in Boston History
How much difference would it make in a city if its business and other leaders signed on to aggressive goals to address climate change, and led by example in their sectors?