Mariella Puerto is a co-director for Climate, managing Barr’s grantmaking and other initiatives that catalyze the transition to a clean-energy economy. This includes promoting policies and practices that accelerate the adoption of energy efficiency and renewable power sources in the New England region and connecting to similar efforts nationally.
Successes in Philanthropy: Activating Civic Leadership
How Boston’s Green Ribbon Commission is helping the city meet ambitious goals to fight climate change.
19 Funders Pledge $53 Million to Expand Energy Efficiency
Barr Foundation joins coordinated effort to bring proven technologies, solutions to developing countries most vulnerable to climate change.
Important Role for Local, Regional Foundations in Global Climate Change
Foundations focused on climate change should think global and fund local.
Renewable Returns: And the Prize Goes to…
How a small incentive showed it can pay big to invest in renewable energy.
New Report Positions Boston for Next Wave of Energy Solutions
How a modest grant for one new staff member in a City Hall office set the stage for exciting progress on clean energy.
Scale Clean. Scale Smart.
The next iteration of Barr’s Clean Energy program aims at transformation in the Northeast energy sector.
Striving for Transformation in our Energy Sector
As part of Barr’s strategic planning, Mariella Puerto shares the trends informing how our Clean Energy program can best accelerate climate action in the region.
Northeast Energy Program Lifting Economies and Lowering Emissions
New report shows states participating in most recent phase of regional carbon cap-and-trade are experiencing significant economic benefits while dramatically reducing emissions.
For Second Time, Boston Named Nation’s Most Energy-Efficient City
ACEEE Scorecard spotlights innovative ways cities are saving energy.
Invisible Elephant in Climate Room Much Bigger Than We Thought
New report finds extent of natural gas leaks three times greater threat to climate goals than previously expected.