Posts by Pat Brandes

Authentic Relationships and Unintended Consequence

Pat Brandes

Guest Author · Former Executive Director

What would it take for a group of nonprofit leaders to be honest, open, and trusting enough with a funder to really share their wisdom—even their critiques of strategy and of how philanthropy works? For Barr, the answer was a happy accident of another challenge we were trying to address.

September 25, 2012 | Category: Barr Fellowship

Marion M. Kane

Pat Brandes

Guest Author · Former Executive Director

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Marion Kane, Barr’s first executive director, passed away Monday night in Falmouth, Maine.

August 23, 2012 | Category: Barr News

Talking ELL's in BPS

Pat Brandes

Guest Author · Former Executive Director

Claudio Martinez

Claudio Martinez

Executive Director, La Vida Scholars

Over two years ago, the Gaston Institute at UMass Boston issued a scathing report on the status of English Language Learners in the Boston Public Schools.

February 22, 2012 | Category: Education

Beyond Silver Bullets, the Levers for Change

Pat Brandes

Guest Author · Former Executive Director

Risk, failure, silver bullets, systems thinking, and reaching beyond significant change to transformation – opening remarks from Pat Brandes at a breakfast meeting of the Massachusetts Education Innovators at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

December 19, 2011 | Category: Education