Hear from staff and partners about aspirations, accomplishments, and lessons learned along the way.
A New Paradigm for Leadership Development
What if, instead of barreling ahead, relentlessly focused on keeping their organizations afloat (until they burn out trying), effective nonprofit leaders started delegating more and more responsibility to staff—at once paving the way for a next generation of leaders and freeing themselves to think about their own leadership in more expansive ways?
Active, Healthy, Ready to Learn (and Fighting Climate Change) with Safe Routes to School
In 1969, about half of all American children walked or biked to school. Of those living within a mile from school, 87% walked or biked. Today, less than 15% do.
What if our great leaders became a great network?
A new animation on the big ideas behind what The Boston Globe once called “a web of collaboration rippling through the nonprofit community with increasing effect.”
A Leadership Pipeline for Philanthropy
Applications for the 2013–2014 Class of Proteus Diversity Fellows are now open. Learn more about this unique program dedicated to identifying, recruiting, and cultivating emerging practitioners of color who represent the next generation of leaders in philanthropy.
Finding the "just" in climate change
In all of its work, Barr is guided by a vision for a vibrant, just, and sustainable world, with hopeful futures for children. In Barr's climate change portfolio, the applications of "vibrant" and "sustainable" are clear—but articulating how this work is also about creating a more "just" world can be more elusive.
The Invisible Elephant in the Room: Gas Leaks and Climate
Two recent reports shine a spotlight on an until-recently unaccounted for source of GHG emissions – methane that leaks from old and leaky pipes that, by the authors' estimates, mean the state is losing more ground than it's gaining.
Doors Open
"Doors Open" is a new short film featuring three schools that opened their doors for the very first time in Boston this fall. Each school is a compelling story—of vision, mission, and bright hopes for kids. Looked at together in this film, they are also part of an even bigger story about breakthroughs in old debates about public education.
Lessons from a New Effort to Scale Energy Efficiency in Boston
One of the most difficult groups to engage in energy efficiency is low- and moderate-income families. Into this gap steps Renew Boston, a one-stop shop to help Boston residents and businesses get into the energy-saving game at no cost.
Networks, Fun, and Healthy Competition Spur Boston Businesses on Sustainability
In Boston and most cities, the majority of GHG emissions come from buildings (in Boston, they are responsible for 74% of the city's carbon footprint).
Welcoming Barr's New Arts Senior Program Officer
In September, Barr hosted a reception for arts grantees to officially welcome and meet San San Wong, the foundation's first full-time Senior Program Officer for arts and culture.