More Extreme Heat Waves: Global Warming’s Wake Up Call
A new report from the National Wildlife Federation
Major Tipping Points in Earth's Climate System and Consequences for the Insurance Sector
Unchecked Climate change will put world at ‘tipping point’, WWF and Allianz report says.
The Climate Gap: Inequalities in How Climate Change Hurts Americans & How to Close the Gap
The Climate Gap focuses its sites on California to determine how vulnerable citizens across the United States will cope as the environment responds to climate change.
Understanding Cultural Competency in Experiential Environmental Education Programs
This report contains results from the assessments, recommendations for the environmental education field and a section on cultural competency metrics.
Moving Cooler: An Analysis of Transportation Strategies
Moving Cooler examines over 50 strategies for transportation reform.
Unequal Exposure to Ecological Hazards
A new study by Northeastern University shows that environmental racism and injustice are still urgent problems. Of the 30 most environmentally overburdened communities in Massachusetts, 24 are communities of color. The top 30 list includes all of Boston's neighborhoods except one.
Experiential Education in Boston's Pilot Schools: A Three-Year Demonstration Project
A report with the Center for Collaborative Education.
Green Guide for Health Care™
A best practices guide for healthy and sustainable building design, construction, and operations for the healthcare industry developed by Health Care Without Harm.
Boston Green and Healthy Building Network
The Boston Green & Healthy Building Network provides a platform for collaboration to promote green and healthy buildings for representatives from about ten Boston-area non-profit organizations and the City of Boston. This case study summarizes learnings and maps the evolution of the network's composition and dynamics since it was launched in 2005 at the initiative of the Barr Foundation.
Lawrence Community Works
The problem that Lawrence, Massachusetts faces is familiar: how to restore a dying industrial city. But the answer is far from what community and economic developers are accustomed to trying. In quite unconventional ways, it builds heavily upon the social connections of individuals throughout the city to develop new leadership, vision, and change.