Category: Climate

Networks, Fun, and Healthy Competition Spur Boston Businesses on Sustainability

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

In Boston and most cities, the majority of GHG emissions come from buildings (in Boston, they are responsible for 74% of the city's carbon footprint).

December 05, 2012 | Category: Climate

Massachusetts Named Most Energy Efficient State (Again)

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

For the second year in a row, Massachusetts nabbed the number spot on a list ranking states by their energy efficiency initiatives. In this post, Senior Program Officer Mariella Puerto talks to Ian Bowles, former Secretary of Energy and Environment for Massachusetts, and Jeremy McDiarmid, Massachusetts Director at Environment Northeast, to find out what this designation means, how Massachusetts got it, and what it will take to keep the momentum going.

October 30, 2012 | Category: Climate

The Little Cities that Could (and Did and Are...)

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

A new approach in greater Boston is showing early promise accelerating efforts to save money and reduce our carbon footprint.

October 02, 2012 | Category: Climate

A Double Bottom Line Win in Massachusetts

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Some low-income residents can spend up to 40% of their incomes on energy and that building emissions are unnecessarily high.

September 18, 2012 | Category: Climate

All Things Not Being Equal: Equity, Race, and Metro Boston

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

What is the state of the American dream in Metro Boston? A new report takes a piercing look at how much the answer to that question still depends on race.

January 24, 2012 | Category: Climate

First Deep Look at Costs AND Benefits of Northeast Cap-and-Trade Program Shows it a Clear Winner

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

For three years, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) – a collaborative effort of 10 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states – has been testing the nation's first cap-and-trade scheme to reduce carbon emissions.

December 12, 2011 | Category: Climate

Fueling Up for a New Conversation about Transportation Financing in Massachusetts

Since late this summer, Governor Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Murray have been calling for renewed debate – and an "adult conversation" – about transportation finance in the Commonwealth. Business-as-usual is 1) not sustainable and 2) can only undermine the State's aggressive climate and energy goals. Three recent reports offer rich fodder for that conversation to occur. Lizzi Weyant, Staff Attorney of MASSPIRG breaks them down to their key insights.

November 21, 2011 | Category: Climate

Massachusetts Unseats California as National Leader on Energy Efficiency

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

For the first time in the life of its energy efficiency scorecard, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) named a state other than California in the number one spot. In a first guest post, Jeremy McDiarmid, Massachusetts Director of Barr-grantee Environment Northeast talks about what it took and what it means that Massachusetts is now the national leader on energy efficiency.

October 21, 2011 | Category: Climate

Generating Change

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Like many cities, Boston has a Climate Action Plan. Yet, the City has more than a plan for reducing its carbon footprint. It also has the engagement of multiple sectors of the community and their shared commitment to make big changes. A new report commissioned by the Barr Foundation details how.

December 29, 2010 | Category: Climate

Scaling Up Building Energy Retrofitting in U.S. Cities

A new report from Living Cities and the Institute for Sustainable Communities

December 09, 2010 | Category: Climate