Category: Climate

From Urban Wasteland to Great Neighborhood

Emily Sidla

Emily Sidla

Program Associate, Climate

Since 2005, when the MBTA abandoned its Bartlett Yard bus facility, the 8.5-acre site in Boston's Roxbury neighborhood had become an urban wasteland. Thanks to a unanimous vote earlier this fall by the Boston Redevelopment Authority, the site's transformation into a mixed-use, smart growth development took a big step forward.

November 19, 2013 | Category: Climate

The Biggest Team Effort in Boston History

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

How much difference would it make in a city if its business and other leaders signed on to aggressive goals to address climate change, and led by example in their sectors?

October 03, 2013 | Category: Climate

A Tale of Two Peaks we Must Climb

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Reducing GHG emissions 20% by 2020 is no easy task. Yet, 80% by 2050 is whole new kind of undertaking. How different are these two goals?

September 24, 2013 | Category: Climate

Study Probes Consequences of Poor Transportation Options on Low-income Latinos

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

A new study takes a deep look at the heavy toll of poor transportation options on one of the fastest growing populations in Massachusetts – low-income Latinos - and it recommends a path towards change that means greater prosperity for them and for low-income and working families across the state.

August 12, 2013 | Category: Climate

Energievergnügen – the joy of (renewable) energy

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Between 2010 and 2011, committed to building on three decades of solid progress on renewable energy and unnerved by Fukushima, the German parliament enacted a series of polices to shift its power sector away from fossil fuels and nuclear to 80% renewables by 2050.

July 09, 2013 | Category: Climate

Some Things Inspiring in the State of Denmark

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Copenhagen is on track to become the world's first carbon neutral capital by 2025 – even while attracting 100,000 new residents. In June, Mariella Puerto, Barr Senior Program Officer, joined a group of US-based foundation staff to see firsthand how they were doing it.

June 20, 2013 | Category: Climate

Active, Healthy, Ready to Learn (and Fighting Climate Change) with Safe Routes to School

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

In 1969, about half of all American children walked or biked to school. Of those living within a mile from school, 87% walked or biked. Today, less than 15% do.

May 21, 2013 | Category: Climate

Finding the "just" in climate change

mary skelton roberts brick headshot 2019

Mary Skelton Roberts

Co-Director of Climate

In all of its work, Barr is guided by a vision for a vibrant, just, and sustainable world, with hopeful futures for children. In Barr's climate change portfolio, the applications of "vibrant" and "sustainable" are clear—but articulating how this work is also about creating a more "just" world can be more elusive.

February 08, 2013 | Category: Climate

The Invisible Elephant in the Room: Gas Leaks and Climate

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

Two recent reports shine a spotlight on an until-recently unaccounted for source of GHG emissions – methane that leaks from old and leaky pipes that, by the authors' estimates, mean the state is losing more ground than it's gaining.

January 28, 2013 | Category: Climate

Lessons from a New Effort to Scale Energy Efficiency in Boston

mariella puerto brick headshot 2019

Mariella Puerto

Co-Director of Climate

One of the most difficult groups to engage in energy efficiency is low- and moderate-income families. Into this gap steps Renew Boston, a one-stop shop to help Boston residents and businesses get into the energy-saving game at no cost.

January 07, 2013 | Category: Climate