Meredith Hatfield to Join Barr Foundation Climate Team
With extensive experience in energy and environmental issues, and in shaping and implementing state-level policies, Hatfield to serve as program officer in the Foundation’s Clean Energy portfolio.
Renewable Returns: And the Prize Goes to…
How a small incentive showed it can pay big to invest in renewable energy.
Communities Find New Ways to Access Cleaner, More Affordable Energy
How leading cities and towns in Massachusetts are scaling up renewable energy while bringing cost savings to their residents.
Inspiration and Ideas from Leaders in Clean Energy
Key takeaways from a recent workshop of city leaders focused on advancing clean energy.
New Report Positions Boston for Next Wave of Energy Solutions
How a modest grant for one new staff member in a City Hall office set the stage for exciting progress on clean energy.
Scale Clean. Scale Smart.
The next iteration of Barr’s Clean Energy program aims at transformation in the Northeast energy sector.
Smarter Travel. Smarter Places.
Barr’s newly-named Mobility portfolio aims to spur transformation in how people move around and how we build our communities.
The Skinny on Paris and COP21
Among more than 200 funders attending the global climate talks (COP21) that concluded last week in Paris was Jenny Russell, executive director of the Merck Family Fund. She offered to share her key takeaways with us here.
Businesses and Investors Step Up On Climate Change
Mindy Lubber, president of Ceres, reports on how more business leaders are taking up the climate challenge.
A Peek into the Future of Transportation
Kristina Egan, director of Transportation for Massachusetts, shares how start-ups and legacy companies are forging a brave, new transportation future.